Reaching out for the Hem of His Garment

Hem of His Garment

I have been reaching out for the hem of his garment since 2011. I have always resonated with the woman with the issue of blood. But this year marks 12 years, and so I have especially felt that I have walked the path with her. I have asked the Lord, “Is this the year that I will experience healing?” Whether through the hands of the surgeon or directly from the hand of God, I look to Him for comfort and healing.

Dr. Michelle Bengston released a new book called, the Hem of His Garment. And I quickly grabbed the book and even joined her launch team. I wanted to find out what God had told her as she wrote.

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I learned that she wrote this in the midst of pain. Not just physical pain, but emotional, mental, and more. We all experience pain, of one kind or another. It just comes with this life here on earth. And we may find that like the woman with the issue of blood, we must crawl on our hands and knees to the feet of Jesus. We must take every painful step towards Jesus, crawling if necessary to touch even a thread of his garment. But He is there, waiting for us to reach out to Him. He waits to heal you.

crawling ot the hem of his garment
photo provided by Michelle Bengston

Reaching out for the Hem of His Garment – When pain ravages our lives and the enemy tempts us to become angry and blame God, we encourage ourselves by knowing, recalling, and affirming the truths of God's Word, especially those that rebut the… Share on X

But like Michelle, I found refuge in God’s Word. When I was first struck with chronic pain, I spent days on end flat on my back. In those hours I reach out to God by reading the scriptures, especially the Psalms. I had a pastor who once told me to read a psalm every day. I have not stopped doing that. Every day, they are fresh and new to me. They help me pray to the Father. It is also comforting to know that others, even David, went through trials and tribulations. It’s common to all men (and women). But we can be comforted and find peace through Jesus’ words.

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”

john 16:33
The Hem of HIs Garment book cover

Today is a Good Day to Reach for His Hem

We may not understand the why and what-for of our pain, but I have come to realize that our pain is a discipline just as exercising is a discipline. Through that pain, we find growth. James tells us that we can be joyful in it because of what we can learn and how we grow through it.

Trials and Maturity

Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.

12 Blessed is the one who endures trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1, CSB

Seeking Healing from His Hem

God does not always answer as we expect. Sometimes, He heals instantly. Other times, He heals slowly or not until we meet Him in heaven. But He has His reasons. We may not understand that until we cross Jordan. But we must hold the His hem. He will carry us through it.

In seeking healing from our pain, we need to be more focused on the Healer than the healing.

Michelle Bengston, The Hem of His Garment

In my own experience, I had my “Apostle Paul moment”. I begged God to remove the “thorn” but He lovingly reasoned with me. He showed me that He was directing my life in a new way. I began to see that without the thorn I would run ahead of Him. I would do things my way instead of His way. If God is my Healer, Why Am I Still Sick?

Another thing I learned is that God is more interested in healing us spiritually than physically. If we allow spiritual healing to happen, then He can use us whether we are physically healed or not.

A Prayer for You from Michelle Bengston

Father, you know the hurts and the cries of the one reading this page right now. You see the tears and you know the pain. Your Word tells us that you are near to the brokenhearted and you save those who are cruched in spirit. I ask, now, Lord that you would be especailly close to your child who is hurting. THat you would be extend comfort and lent shelter under your wing. That you would renew their strength. And that by yoru sovereign hand, you would bring beaeuty for the painful ashes they are enduring. COmfort even now so that one day they may comfort others with the same comfort you offer today. In Jesus’ precious name I pray,


Dr. Michelle. Bengston, The Hem of His Garment, page 193

Find this and many more prayers in Michelle’s latest book, the Hem of His Garment.

Purchase The Hem of his Garment Today!

Hope for When the Pain Won’t Quit

Everyone experiences pain at times. It can manifest physically, emotionally, relationally, or spiritually. It can follow tragic accidents, great loss, sudden betrayal, or unexpected and unwanted change. Often it is temporary. But what do you do when it isn’t? When the pain just won’t go away, when healing does not come when the grief and hurt settle in?

Drawing on her own experience of chronic pain and her years as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson provides a countercultural perspective on pain. Offering hope without any false promises or empty platitudes, Dr. Bengtson unwraps the complex emotional aspects of dealing with pain. She gives you permission to question God, helps you identify the lies you’ve believed about your pain, and reorients your perception based on the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter ends with a recommended playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer.

Your pain may not change, but your experience of it can.

My Review of The Hem of His Garment

No matter the pain you are suffering, Dr. Bengston offers help and comfort through it.

She wrote while experiencing her own pain and it comes through as real and open. I was experiencing a lot of pain while reading the book so it was slow going for me. But Each chapter has several subheadings that offer great stopping places when your mind can only handle so much.

While I have been suffering, myself for twelve years, I found myself in much agreement with the things she shares. There is hope for us all. Pick up this book today. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We want to make you aware, that if you click on the link and purchase an item, we receive an affiliate commission. We recommend products or services that we use personally and/or firmly believe will bless our readers. Thank you!

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

5 Comments on “Reaching out for the Hem of His Garment”

  1. Mandy, what a beautiful review! Knowing that Michelle wrote it while she was experiencing so many different kinds of pain gives it authenticity. She knows what she is talking about. And as you shared when you read it, you, too, were experiencing pain and have been for so long. It’s good to see that you found much to agree with. It does sound like a book that would be good for me to read. Blessings and love to you! xoxo

  2. I pray that this year, year 12, will be the year you experience healing! Reach for His hem!

  3. This is a wonderful book filled with inspiration and encouragement. Thank you for sharing about Michelle Bengston and her messages. She’s truly amazing! 🙂

  4. Wonderful review. This is a powerful book that gives hope to individuals experiencing physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, or secondary pain as well as grief or loss.

    Thank you for sharing your pain journey and how God has met you in your time of trial and affliction.

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