Fluoroscopic-Guided Occipital Nerve Block


After searching for a new pain doctor, I finally settled on one who was referred to me by my previous doctor at Mayo Clinic. I could not find one that used the ultrasound-guided approach so settled in for this doctor. HE uses a fluoroscopic-guided nerve block procedure.

It was a simple procedure just as the ultrasound-guided block was with just a few differences.

I arrived at the surgery center with my son because they won’t let me drive myself home. My husband wasn’t feeling well and early mornings are always a challenge for him anyone.

Once we arrived at the center, I went with the PA and they checked things like BP. Then we went down the hall to a surgery room. They had me lie down on my stomach so after that, I really can’t tell you what they were doing. The World Health Association says this.

Fluoroscopy is an imaging modality that uses x-rays to allow real-time visualization of body structures. During fluoroscopy, x-ray beams are continually emitted and captured on a screen, producing a real-time, dynamic image. This allows for dynamic assessment of anatomy and function.

World Health Organization

So they pressed around my neck to find the source of the pain. And then injected the medication at that spot. It seemed like a much smaller needle. It was a jab like most other injections. This was done on both sides of my neck. In the past, we only did the left side because that was where most of the pain was. We had discussed doing both but it would mean splitting the dose between the two sides and since just placing it all on the left side had always done well for me, I chose not to make a change even though I was beginning to experience some pain on the right as well.

That’s it. They were done!

My Thoughts

created in canva pro

The ultrasound procedure seemed to have a longer needle as reported by my husband. That needle was run up along the nerve to the skull. The ultrasound process took a little longer. But the ultrasound procedure also included numbing. So I would say it’s really just up to you on what you think you would prefer.

After Effects of the Nerve Block

I seemed to have much more of the following this time:

  • flushed face and neck
  • hot flashes
  • huge case of the munchies

All of these lasted about 2 or 3 weeks. I don’t recall the side effects being so strong and long-lasting with the ultra-sound nerve block.


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ribbon image by Marketa Machova Mandy’s Journey with Chronic Pain

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

One Comment on “Fluoroscopic-Guided Occipital Nerve Block”

  1. I’ve found there are different processes with procedures at my Pain Specialists also. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the nerve blocks. I hope it lasts for a while for you! Blessings!

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