well being

Simple Steps for Women to Boost Well-Being and Resilience

How is your well-being? You may often find yourself juggling multiple roles, each with its challenges. These challenges, when approached strategically, can serve as opportunities for personal growth and improved well-being. Adopting specific practices tailored for women can help you navigate these complexities effectively. By reframing difficulties as chances for development, you enhance your resilience and capability. In this article, we’ll discuss several things you can do to feel better each day.

Simple Steps for Women to Boost Well-Being and Resilience Read More
Breath of COurage

How Mindful Breathing Gives Kids Courage

I came across this precious picture book not long ago. And it’s perfect for teaching children to get past their fears. Mindful breathing exercises can not only teach you breath control and how to speak out loud and clearly, it helps calm your nerves. Every teacher and parent should pick up this book.

How Mindful Breathing Gives Kids Courage Read More
graitutde journal

Managing Your Anxiety: Two Fabulous Tools

I needed to shift my attitude from the negative to the positive. Life is always going to have negative things, but I didn’t have to focus on them. Somehow that had become my habit and was only increasing my anxiety levels.

In an effort to change to see the positive things, I started doing two things:

Managing Your Anxiety: Two Fabulous Tools Read More
numbering our Days - Combating anxiety

Combating Anxiety in the Power of Small Intentional Moments

Come along on this 7-week journey of intentionally focusing on areas in our life where we can draw closer to Jesus. Set to be read in the weeks leading up to Easter, it will prepare your heart for Resurrection Sunday and a life of intention that goes beyond the holiday.

Combating Anxiety in the Power of Small Intentional Moments Read More