If God is my Healer, Why Am I Still Sick?

Why Still Sick

“For I am the Lord who heals you.”

– Exodus 15:26 NLT

Why Am I Still Sick?

Have you ever wondered why so many people struggle with illness and weakness? You would think that since God is a Healer He would reach down and heal his people, especially those that are believers.

You would think that since God is Our Healer, He would heal me. #godismyhealer #chronicpain Share on X

It’s a question that has been asked down through the ages, I would guess.  And many have searched to find the answer. I have learned there are many reasons why God may leave us in our sickness, disability, or weakness.

Sin in Our Lives

 Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.

– Psalm 103:2-3 NLT

I tread lightly here because I have seen too many have used this reason to berate someone. They assume that because something bad has happened or God hasn’t healed that there MUST be some hidden sin in their lives. This is far from the truth.

I have come to believe that God is more interested in healing us spiritually than He is in healing us physically. How many times did Jesus say, “your sins are forgiven you” when he was healing someone?

Yes. God has used pain to get people to realize that they have sinned against him. Nebuddkudnezzar went crazy until he declared that God was the God of All Gods – Daniel 4, Deuteronomy 28:27-29

It is a valid point to examine one’s self and ask God to show them if they have disobeyed Him. King David did.

Search me, God, and know my heart;

test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139

Once we have searched our hearts and found no sin or disobedience. We must ask God, “What do you want to teach me through this?

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:28-29 NLT

I think of people, such as Joni Eareckson Tada who would have taken a completely different path in life if not for her quadriplegic body. But instead, God has directed her to be a light for others who are disabled. Her broken body has been the platform for her to provide not only spiritual faith but to also heighten awareness for disabilities and her ministry Wheels for the World which provides wheelchairs for the disabled, and many other ministries.

God taught me through my chronic pain illness that I was doing good things but in my own strength. I wasn’t seeking Him in all my ministry decisions and thus, I was overworked and running thin on strength.

It is For His Glory

But when Jesus heard about it he said, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.”

The truth is that, whatever our plight God is working for His glory. When Jesus was on earth, He healed many people. But then, he allowed his dear friend, Lazarus to become sick and die. In our finite minds, we ask just as Martha did, “Why?”

21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. 

John 11

But God used the situation for His Glory. He raised Lazarus from the dead and God got all the glory. The people were then ready to see and understand the Ultimate Resurrection of Jesus Himself.

It may seem useless and senseless to us but we must remember that God sees the whole picture. He knows what is best for us.

God sees the whole picture. He knows what is best for us. #Godismyhealer #Why? Share on X

Let me share the story about my husband’s first wife. JoAnn loved the Lord and she and Michael had a wonderful ministry together. But she was tragically killed in a car accident. Why would God allow this to happen? Just that week JoAnn sang a special at church, “Whatever It Takes”. Through the tragedy, several to whom JoAnn was reaching out were saved! Now that is all for His glory. Whatever it takes. 

For Discipline

Then am I strong
Photo credit: Pixabay modified by Mandy

This may just be the most common reason God does not heal.

The above scripture is from the Apostle Paul. He was sharing about a “thorn in the flesh” that He asked God three times to remove but God never did. I say, if even the Apostle Paul needed a weakness to make Him strong, then bring on the pain.

if even the Apostle Paul needed a weakness to make Him strong, then bring on the pain. #whyLord #Godismyhealer Share on X

In 2011, I was struck with debilitating chronic pain to the point of being flat on my back in bed. (See my Journey with Chronic Pain series.) Many prayed for my healing, even ministers who believed in the power of divine healing. But no relief came, except through the wisdom of doctors and medications after months of diagnostic testing.

I have always had a strong faith in God. And I thought often of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. How she pressed through the crowd believing that just a touch of His garment would make her well. I had that kind of faith. I believed in His touch. So why wasn’t I being healed as well?

Jesus said to the woman, “You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace! You are healed, and you will no longer be in pain.”

– Mark 5:34 CEV

Just as Apostle Paul did, I have talked to the Lord about removing the pain. But He has shown me that I need it for discipline. I am quite certain that if I were healthy, I would go right back to doing too much and trying to handle things on my own. With this pain, that keeps me throttled back, I am able to lean on Him to serve as He wants me to serve. He works through the weakness and He receives the glory!

Truly, God is still my Healer. He has healed my soul to rest well in Him, to trust Him wholeheartedly.

So now, I take hold of scriptures like these.

Now I will walk humbly throughout my years because of this anguish I have felt. Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live!

– Isaiah 38:15-16 NLT

The Ultimate Healing

I am also confident that one day I will be ultimately healed. I have read the end of the book! There will be no more pain or crying! Praise the Lord. I cling to this promise given to us in Revelations.

“Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Until He comes!

Mandy Farmer

P.S. Have questions about Fibromyalgia? Check out my “Letters to Friends

Inspired by the Five Minute Friday prompt word, WHY. Day 4 of #write31days and again for the prompt “Question

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

14 Comments on “If God is my Healer, Why Am I Still Sick?”

  1. I had to smile when I read, “ff even the Apostle Paul needed a weakness to make Him strong, then bring on the pain.” I love your feisty example. I want to embody more of that in my life. Knowing the end of the story certainly does help me to hold on during the hard times.
    Thanks for sharing this Scripture. “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26.” I am going right over to Facebook to share it with my senior’s group.

  2. Amen! Our God’s ways are so much higher than ours, and we may never know the reasons why we are still not well. But we can trust Him that He will bring glory from it all when we trust Him. I love these verses that you shared today. Thank you so much Mandy!

  3. Why won’t you heal my cancers, Lord?
    Did I escape your care?
    Or perhaps, You can’t afford
    my sin indwelling there?
    Or is it something else, perhaps,
    a view I cannot see
    that runs me ’round these lethal laps
    on a race to victory?
    The win may well not be mine,
    and laurels go to another
    whose words are more gelled in time,
    and in this day more Christ’s brother.
    No, I don’t need You to explain;
    I’ll run my race within my lane.

    #1 at FMF this week.


  4. Mandy, this touched my heart. I have two children with mental illness and long to see them healed. God may or may not answer this mama’s prayers this side of heaven, but I know there will be a day when they are set free from struggle.

    Thank you for your encouragement. May you have strength for this new day.


  5. So glad that I could encourage you today. Perhaps you would be interested in a weekly series of devotions on perseverance. Watch for the sign up in a few days. It’s called How Long, Oh Lord?

  6. From personal experience, I agree that sin can be a factor, but not necessarily. We live in a fallen world and are subjected to many factors. Spiritual warfare is part of it, many people still have not entered the rest He offers, and you have the answer He impresses on me, His peace. That is powerful medicine along with a merry heart.

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