How I Want to Connect with God in 2024

connect with God

One Word for 2024 ~ Connect

As I began to pray about my new ONEWORD for 2024, I reminisced on how wonderful it was to study the Selah scriptures last year. Selah reminded me to stop and think about what I just read or what I was thinking about doing. I made it through the 52 Selah verses and shared them with others all year. You can receive them once a week this year if you would like: Devotions in Your Inbox

This led me to what follows – Pray About It. Yes, I have wanted to get closer to God and connect with Him in prayer this coming year. Connection leads to what I need to do as my books get published in 2024. – Connection with followers and those who may need my words. Help me start the year off right by connecting with me and my books at

Physically, I want to become more aware of what my body is telling me. Since my successful shoulder replacement, I am anxious to get the connections in my knee working properly. I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery on January 26. I want this to lead to better exercise and more body movement. My husband wants me to start driving again which is a fearful venture in my mind. We live in Savannah, Georgia and the traffic is very bad here. Pray with me about this.

So, I landed on Connection as my One Word for 2024.

Connection – Body, Soul, Mind, and Others

Read more: How I Want to Connect with God in 2024

1st Quarter – Connect with God Through Your Body

breathe calendar to connect every day

Click on Image to order the calendar

Just Breathe

Let’s begin by slowing down and just breathing this month.
  1. Find a quiet place to sit and reflect. If possible sit on your porch and drink in God’s nature. Or take a walk. If these are not possible. Find a quiet chair that will always be your meeting place with God. Many nature videos are available with instrumental music that may help you.
  2. Blow out the stresses and worries and breathe in the Word of God. Practice deep breathing.
  3. Find a quick read devotional to help you connect.

Correct Breathing

I recently connected with Jana Danielson, a chronic pain warrior, who found that pilates were the answer to her pain.

Once you have the Correct Breathing Down, Sing or Listen to hymns asking God to Breathe on You.

Did you know that singing for five minutes each day improves your health?

  • lowers stress
  • boosts immunity and lung function
  • enhances mental health
  • helps you cope with pain – physical and emotional
  • excellent form of exercise for the elderly, disabled, and injured
  • strengthens the diaphragm
  • stimulates overall circulation

The best thing about it is you don’t have to be good at it to reap the benefits!

ReAwaken Hymns Have Many that Would Be Appropriate.
Connect with God as you Read:

Books I am reading this quarter: (Most of these I already had in my possession)

I’ll be filling in the rest as I find things I want to add. I would take your suggestions if you have read applicable books and devotionals.

2nd Quarter – With Soul

How to Pray ~ A Simple Guide For Normal People

3rd Quarter – With Mind

Loving God with All Your Mind Elizabeth George

4th Quarter – With Others

– church – old friends – -authors – podcasters – followers – -family – friends

I think I will start working on this in action now. With a FACEBOOK LIVE – Connect Fridays

Pick up a flip calendar about friendship. Here’s one.


Beyond Suffering Bible Study

Beyond Suffering Certification with Joni and Friends

Books to Read

The Friendships of Women by Dee Brestin

The One Year Daily Acts of Friendship: 365 Days to Finding, Keeping, and Loving Your Friends

101 Conversation Starters for Families

Faith - Gerd Altman at Pixabay
images provided by
How to Connect with God

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

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