Finding Treasure in God’s Word

PSalm 119 devotional

I’m finding treasure in Erin Davis’s study, 7 Feasts – Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament. This book has truly been a blessing to me. The final day’s study was a brief look at Psalm 119. Yes, it’s the longest book in the Bible but it has become one of my favorites. I see a need to study it once a year. It’s an acrostic using the Hebrew alphabet, divided into sections, so very easy to take a month to concentrate on just

Read His Words First

ז Zayin

Remember your word to your servant;
you have given me hope through it.
This is my comfort in my affliction:
Your promise has given me life.
The arrogant constantly ridicule me,
but I do not turn away from your instruction.
Lord, I remember your judgments from long ago
and find comfort.
Fury seizes me because of the wicked
who reject your instruction.
Your statutes are the theme of my song
during my earthly life.
Lord, I remember your name in the night,
and I obey your instruction.
This is my practice:
I obey your precepts.

What Challenges Did David Face? Can You Relate?

  1. The arrogant mock him unmercifully
  2. Idignation grips him because of the wicked who forsake God’s law.

Yikes! That sounds kind of familiar. Recently, I have been ready to quit watching the news and reading my Facebook feeds. It does make me indignant at how people can respond so nastily to an innocent post. Whatever happened to kindness and honor? Maybe we should be reading our Bibles more and the news less.

What Treasures did David Find? What does it do for us?

Sciprutre Reading tops my list of things to do every day. We just can’t get by without taking time to hear from God. A few facts about Psalm 119.

  • It’s the longest book of the Bible
  • It is all about how important the Word of God is for our lives.
  • It is placed right smack in the Bible of the Bible.

These facts tell me that scripture reading is highly important to God. Here are a few benefits David finds in the Word of God.

  1. It gives us hope
  2. It preserves our life.
  3. Scripture is the theme of our song.
  4. It comforts us.
  5. It helps us obey God’s law.

That right there is enough to convince me that Scripture reading is of most importance. Erin stated in the book,

God’s Word is our tether. The Bible keeps our hearts closely tied to the Lord.

Erin Davis, 7 Feasts

Are you tethered to Jesus?


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About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

2 Comments on “Finding Treasure in God’s Word”

  1. Great insight for Psalm 119, a beautiful passage. Thank you for sharing. I’m visiting today from the Grace & Truth link up. Have a great weekend!

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