What is that SMELL!?

Oh. My. Gosh! What is that smell? This is like the 3rd time this week. Every time I run the dishwasher I can smell this sulfur-like smell. This is the last straw. Generally when I say “This is the last straw!”- look out! Luckily I had some free time, so I began the dishwasher investigation. Little did I know this was about to lead me on a quest to get my dishwasher clean.

Having acquired our very first dishwasher through a finance company repossession. Yes, you read that right, it was a repossession! We got it for the amazing amount of fifty dollars! That was some big money for 1994 broke, newly married, and just bought our first home newbies!

Brad installed this magnificent whirlpool dishwasher and we were off to the dish cleaning races. I seldom rinsed a dish, just scraped off the big stuff, and let the dishwasher do what a dishwasher does- WASH! Good ole piping hot water and some Cascade to keep them clean and streak-free! Never once did I get build-up, or bad smells.

This ain’t your mammas dishwasher

Photo by Michele Bruxvoort

Somehow, somebody decided that everything needs to be more “efficient” and “environmentally friendly”. I am of the strong opinion that the words “efficient” and “environmentally friendly” have no semblance of their meaning when it comes to home appliances.

I’m not interested in a three-hour cleaning or washing cycle that wants to use less water at a lower temperature all with less electricity, and then to think I’ll be happy with a “lower” electric bill? Umm… NOPE! Give me some hot, soapy water with some superpower sprayer that can wash and rinse my dishes CLEAN in under 30 minutes and I will be fine letting them air dry- thank you very much!

Now that you know how I really feel, you’ll understand my disdain for these “new” dishwashers. I would take back Celia’s old Whirlpool dishwasher in a heartbeat, and I won’t care it doesn’t match the rest of my kitchen appliances. Celia’s dishwasher was awesome. It never gave me trouble. The dishes were always clean and no crazy sulfur smell.

Oh my gosh!

Photo by Michele Bruxvoort

So, here we are back at my dishwasher. I am on my knees, bent inside my dishwasher and I am in total inspection mode. I am looking, sniffing and then I see it… this putrid rust-colored, sulfur-smelling scum and it is EVERYWHERE scum can safely cling. It’s in every nook and cranny of this dishwasher. I mean EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY!

Gagging a bit, I managed to keep my stomach contents in my stomach. As I took out the lower rack, I noticed all the rust-colored scum on the inside of the rack’s wheels. They were full of scum, so I ran it to the bathtub for a soak and then tried to figure out what I had that would help me clean. Hmm…. what is small enough, flexible, and rugged for cleaning? Ah-ha! I reached for my set of baby bottle cleaners. YES! This will do it.

I’ll just say right here if I could have gotten my husband’s pressure washer in the house and ran it I would have. But that would have woke up my grandson, which was not an option. Slowly I began pulling the dishwasher apart. Taking pictures as I went so that I could find my way back to a fully assembled dishwasher. I knew I had to work fast because if my husband caught me doing this he’d probably get mightly anxious I’d be able to reassemble everything.

Along with my baby bottle brushes, I employed the use of a circular scrub brush, vinegar, and Dawn dish soap. I began to see some fun when huge chunks of the scum (which, by the way, is grease and food broken down) started to fall out of cracks and crannies as I brushed in and out. SO GROSS!

Okay, friends… this is going to be my cliff-hanger of sorts. Stay tuned next week to see how it all turned out!

About Michele Bruxvoort

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life.   She enjoys reading, repurposing,  as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life.  When you don't find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure. Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.

View all posts by Michele Bruxvoort

5 Comments on “What is that SMELL!?”

  1. Oh, you made me smile this morning, Michele! I did the same kind of thing with our washer years ago! I gagged when I realized it was the fabric softener dispenser that had accumulated all kinds of gunk. Thanks for starting my day with a chuckle!

  2. WOW, you do have a way with words, love how you tell a story! Will look for part two! Thanks so much for linking up at A Themed Linkup 90 for Cleaning and Organizing. Pinned and/or shared!

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