Laughter Really is the Best Medicine

Take Your Medicine

You might expect that once you get your diagnosis, you can breathe again. But many times, this is when the fight really begins. This is when you start seeing the specialists, doing the therapy and adjusting the medications.

Medicine is a great thing. Think of all the discoveries that have been made which have saved so many lives. But there is also a price to pay. And I’m not talking about the cost of the medication, which in itself can be a challenge. When I see commercials for medications and you hear all the side effects, I’ve often thought that maybe you are just trading one problem for another. 

image from Pixabay

I had such a regiment of medications, at times, it was hard to keep it all straight and not miss a dosage. I found an app on my phone (Med Helper) that would remind me throughout the day to take medications. Everyone around me knew my ringtone for medications! (2022) I recently changed to the Medisafe App. It not only reminds me to take my meds but also to order refills and I can print out my history of taking my meds. I can also, track my pain levels and make notes about my health. There is a place to list my myriad of doctors’ names and phone numbers and appointments. Nice!

Steroids are excellent for reducing swelling and pain; they were “wonderful” for me.  I could walk around and do all kinds of things but I worried about what it was covering up. What was the real problem and was I damaging my body more by taking the steroids?  Not to mention the rapid weight gain. I had just recently lost weight to my lowest weight since before pregnancy.; but now, I am back to my highest weight ever. Also, there are more severe effects on your organs if used for a long time.

 OpenClipart-Vectors at Pixabay

By the time, I was diagnosed, I had already been on high dosages of prednisone for 6 months. I was placed on the right drug for the fibromyalgia pain and we began trying to reduce the steroids. But it would take a long time as we had to do this very slowly. The slightest reduction of steroids would cause my pain to return with a vengeance. [It took me nearly 10 years to get completely off the steroids.]

Even with Medication… There is Still Pain

Now I want you to understand that these medications only take the edge off of the pain. They bring the patient to a place where one can function .. at least a bit. When I visit the doctor or the therapist, they ask what my pain level is on a scale of 1 to 10. Mine averages out at around 5 or 6. When the weather is bad, it might be 8 or 9.

Laughter Helps

I have learned there is a mental attitude you need to keep the pain at bay. It’s a big job, but having a positive attitude does make a big difference in how you can handle it all. Of course, there are days that are just plain bad, but if I work at it most days can be bearable. 

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. 

Proverbs 17:22
medicine is good medicine

 The best medicine for that is laughter. So I try to find ways to keep laughter around me. Here are a few ideas …

  1. Share a joke or something funny on Facebook every day.
  2. Watch funny sitcoms. I like the old re-runs that are much cleaner.
  3. Watch comedy movies.
  4. Christian Comedian DVD’s [Tim Hawkins, Mark Lowry, Ken Davis, Etc]
  5. Reminisce about the good old days.
  6. Invite your funny friends over for a visit.
  7. The hardest thing to do is to talk positively. Don’t tell everyone all about your aches and pains.  Of course, DO tell your healthcare people, but keep a positive attitude around your friends. It helps you and honestly, your friends don’t really want to hear about it.

What Medicine of Laughter do You Use?


Learn more about Mandy’s Journey with Chronic Pain.

I’m trying to write and share my experiences. Just click here for a Table of Contents of what I have written so far.

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

10 Comments on “Laughter Really is the Best Medicine”

  1. One of my prayers is for God to show me how to laugh more. I’m a literalist. Someone said the other day, an older lady, “I laugh all the time.” I thought how I wanted to do that! I like comedies – but the old ones. We listen to Sirius Radio Classics – like George Burns and Gracie Allen, Jack Benny, etc. But I’m still more a big smiler than a laugher. I believing, though! For that laughter!

  2. When Pedro had cancer we were in the hospital one evening and decided to watch Rat Race. We laughed hysterically (and a bit too loudly—a nurse came by to ask us to tone it down—which only made us laugh more). We also love the Patrick F. McManus books.

  3. Anita, that is too funny. I’m reminded of being a camp counselor. One night I had the kids pretty riled up and the head counselor came by telling us to get quiet and go to sleep. I echoed “Yeah, let’s get some sleep now.” but in truth, I had caused most of the jocularity. 🙂

  4. Thanks for more good tips, Mandy. I would add in one more to your list–spend some time with a child. They will surely bring on the laughter with the surprising things they say! Blessings and prayers for a lowered pain weekend for you, dear friend!

  5. Yes, I second Bettie’s advice. My children get me laughing every day. Thank you for sharing your heart and your ideas to bring more laughter in your life. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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