The Godly Woman and her Faithful Prayers

a godly woman and her prayers

Let’s Celebrate Women’s Month with how effective our prayers are and how important it is for women to pray.

Award-winning roses, petunias, and morning glories danced in the sunlight that morning as Mom watched them from the kitchen sink. They made the drudgery of washing dishes a bit more tolerable. But today, she suddenly felt a great need to pray for my sister. She stopped, lay down the dish, and went to her prayer closet.

Lord, I don’t know what is happening with Kandy right now, but protect her as she drives that old,bulk tank truck to the cheese factory. That truck is always having problems so please keep her safe.

When she felt clear that Kandy was safe, she returned to her chores in the kitchen. And patiently waited for Kandy to return home.


You’ll never believe what happened.  I came up on the railroad crossing in town where there were no crossing bars or flashing lights. I must have been daydreaming because all of a sudden I heard a loud sound, and realized a train was coming. If I hadn’t stopped, I would not have made it across the tracks.

These are the kind of stories my mother can share because she is a prayer warrior. Read more of that story here: Raised in a Barn: Farm Trucks, Close Calls and Prayers (

Holding Others Up Through Prayer

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up,

left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Mark 1:35
a godly woman and her prayer

Ladies, we need to get back to prayer in our lives. So many of us, myself including myself. We neglected our prayer life. But I believe that prayer is the key to victory. Do you remember the story of when Moses sent Joshua out to battle? He and the older generation stood on the mountain and prayed for them. As long as Moses kept his hands raised Joshua and the army would win but when his arms tired and came down Joshua would begin to lose the battle. So those around him (the older group) took turns holding his arms up.

As I type I think, “Oh no! We have neglected to “hold up” our spiritual leaders. Too few are remaining in the ranks of a prayer warrior. No wonder the younger generation is losing the war against evil.

My prayers have been regenerated since the outpouring at Asbuary University earlier this year. I am excited to see where God will lead these young people. But it will mean nothing if we aren’t praying for them and holding up their spiritual leaders. There was a day when we were in the thick of the battle and our elders were praying for us. Now it is our turn to turn and pray for the next generation.

The Godly Woman and her Faithful Prayers No, it's not time to retire, it's time to be re-hired as prayer warriors. #asburyoutpouring #prayerwarriors #prayer #asburyrevival Share on X

How Prayer is Connected with Revival

In a recent Bible study, I became aware of just how often the women were instrumental in the moving of God… because of their prayers.

Read Genesis 25:19–26. We learn that Rebekah is barren, so Isaac prays for her. God answers his prayer. Rebekah conceives but there is a rough pregnancy and she seeks the Lord.

Read 1 Samuel 1. We learn a lot about Hannah and her home life from this chapter. She was barren and taunted by her husband’s second wife. She pours herself out to God asking for a son. Hannah’s prayer is answered and she worships the Lord and honors her commitment to give her child to the Lord.

Read Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah hears about the broken walls of Jerusalem and weeps, fasts and praise and confesses his sin along with the sins of the rest of the Israelites for not obeying God’s commands.

Titus Women Bible Study, The Joy of Walking with Jesus

Jesus Prayed Before Tough Times

We know that Christ prayed often. But think of how desperately He prayed before the crucifixion. And yet, the disciples all fell asleep. They had no idea what they were about to face.

Nor do we know what we are about to face. So we must be prepared for anything by being prayed up.

Prayer Always Comes Before Revival

When Jesus was preparing to ascend to heaven, He told the disciples to go and wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come. They went to the upper room. And there they stayed, prayed and worshipped God for ten days. And when the fire fell, They were filled with the Spirit and enabled to preach boldly about all that had happened.

What happened next?

About 2,000 were added to the church that day!

How Important Are Women for Revival?

I had never noticed this, but it was always women having prayer meetings that brought about great movements of God. This really excited me. This is where we can really make a difference ladies! Take a look at these instances:

Peter Imprisoned (Acts 12)

Mary, the mother of John, was having a prayer meeting in her home when the angel of the Lord led Peter out of prison. He knew immediately where to find the believers. At Mary’s house, of course! They were so surprised to find Peter at the door that Rhoda didn’t even let him in!

24 But the word of God spread and multiplied. 

Acts 12
Acts 4:32 when people pray
effective prayer
all images were created in

The beginning of Missions (Acts 13)

In Antioch, as they gathered to worship and fast, the Holy Spirit commissioned Saul and Barnabas for the work of going to other places and sharing the Gospel. This was the first missionary trip.

48 When the Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and honored the word of the Lord, and all who had been appointed to eternal life believed. 49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.

2nd Missionary Trip

As Paul traveled he met Timothy, the son and grandson of two godly women. Timothy joined them in spreading the Gospel. The Holy Spirit directed them to go to Macedonia and Philippi. There they met women at the river where they were worshiping and praying. Lydia believed in the Gospel and invited Paul to her home.

Later, when they cast out the demons from a slave girl that was predicting the future. Her owners realized that their income would now be gone, they seized Paul and Silas and threw them in prison. Again, we find that women are praying.

48 When the Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and honored the word of the Lord, and all who had been appointed to eternal life believed. 49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.

Acts 16

After the earthquake and the jailor is saved, Paul and Silas go immediately to Lydia’s home and here they are commissioned to go on a second missionary trip.

Let’s all Amp Up our Prayers

amping up our prayers

  1. Set a Time & Place – Pray in the Morning – David’s Prayer
  2. Put away all distractions. – 7 Tips for Fighting Distraction in Prayer
  3. Have a posture of prayer. – Entering the Presence of God
  4. Pray scripture – How to Pray the Scriptures from Beginner to Pro
  5. Pray fervently – Hannah’s Prayer
  6. Pray specifically –Prayer of Nehemiah
  7. Pray for others and with others –Intercessory Prayer

A great prayer warrior herself, Anne Graham Lotz has many great resources for prayer. I tap into her website often. Her prayers are always chock full of scripture. Check into her book, The Light of His Presence: Prayers to Draw You Near to the Heart of God

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

4 Comments on “The Godly Woman and her Faithful Prayers”

  1. Yes. Let’s amp up our prayers. The prayers of God’s people are important and I so appreciate it when brothers and sisters remind me of the importance of prayers. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for these encouraging scriptures and reminders to pray, Mandy! It is faith-boosting to hear of His faithfulness in prompting prayer, answering prayer, and protecting us!

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