Mother’s Day Past and Present: A Reflection

mother's day reflection

Image by Cheryl Holt from Pixabay

Mother’s Day. I got really tired of that day. I wouldn’t go to church and I told my mom not to invite me to her church Mother’s Day program. It was all a painful reminder of what I wasn’t. A mother. Even after adopting our daughter, I was ambivalent about Mother’s Day.

A Battle

On May 9th, we stood in our local Court House and testified to our desire to love and train our grandson as our very own child. And moments later, we were officially recognized as mom and dad.

Flashback to 2021. It would seem like the gates of Hell had swung open and we were in the fight of our lives. I can testify to you that watching your child become someone who despises you, looks to hurt you in ANY way possible, influenced by people who manipulated her and fed her garbage about how we parented- is totally frightening.

This was probably one of THE most fearful times in my life… BUT GOD! We knew we had to hang on for our grandson’s sake. If we didn’t prevail we knew what his life would be like.

I knew then we were to adopt him, but we needed some wins in court and a DNA test to prove that our inclinations were right. MAN! Could I tell you some God-size stories?! Two successful wins in court and one DNA test. Cue to Rocky Theme Song music. Talk about being snatched from the fire. WOOO! Three wins in two months. God! You are too good!

Going Forward

Ok, back to the present day. 🙂

We have always operated as parents to him, though our titles were Grandpa and Grandma. You can’t bring a grandchild into your home and live life 24/7/365 being Grandparents, you have to be parents.

I sat in church this 2023 Mother’s Day a different “kind” of mom. I reflected on all the past Mother’s Days of fighting with infertility and then fighting to keep someone safe.

I sat as a warrior and a protector. We rejoiced that GOD prevailed, and we won. A title well fought with the help of many friends.

On May 9th, we asked a few friends who battled with us to come to witness a VICTORY. This was first and foremost God’s victory in our life, and secondly a testimony of his faithfulness to us and our grandson.

As Christians, we need to be a part of victories and celebrations after battles. Far too many hard things happen to folks and we need to learn to celebrate victories!

We celebrated after the court hearing with lunch and cake! Surrounded by people who prayed and watched as we stepped into the gladiator ring with God.

Mother’s Day is forever, for me, a day for warriors.

Battle on fellow warrior momma’s!-M

About Michele Bruxvoort

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life.   She enjoys reading, repurposing,  as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life.  When you don't find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure. Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.

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