Living in a House of Mirrors

New Ventures

I’m excited to tell you that God has been blessing me and directing my life into new avenues. Last fall, I was approved to submit devotional writing to the wonderful online Bible study for women, Gracefully Truthful. Today, my very first submission was published. I share about how my life was like living in a house of mirrors.

Here’s a taste…

treasure at gracefully truthful
photo credit Gracefully Truthful dot com

Lying Mirrors

For many years, I lived in a virtual house of mirrors.

These carnival-style mirrors distorted the truth,

leaving me trapped in a maze of lies.

house of mirrors
photo image credit free at canva

I struggled to grasp the treasure God had placed within me through His own Holy Spirit when He freed me from sin, shame, and chains of condemnation. Though God had gifted me with many talents and was growing His character in me, I could only see my weakness and incapability.

I could only see my weakness and incapability. #selfesteem #treasure #gracefullytruthful Share on X

Negative Self-talk

I did all the negative self-talk, embracing and repeating Satan’s lies to myself instead of the beautiful truths Christ had died to wrap around me like a royal robe. The evil one tries to beat us down and destroy us. He wants to keep our eyes turned away from our gifts and abilities and onto our weaknesses. 

But God works through our weaknesses

to make us strong

and bring glory to Him.

Fighting Satan’s lies is a never-ending fight. The only way to win is to continue in His Word every day. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Use it to slash the distorted tales that Satan slings around.

[read more at Gracefully Truthful]

God works through our weaknesses to make us strong and bring Him glory. #treasure #distortedmirrors Share on X
photo credit Gracefully Truthful dot com

More about Gracefully Truthful

For years, I have searched for something more than a quick devotional and a scratch on the back. I desired to find something that would lead me into a deeper study of the word. I have found that in this online Bible Study.

The first thing that sold me on this group was the very first thing at the top of each day’s reading is “Read His Words Before Our Words“.

Wow! what a great reminder to focus on The Word.

How it Works

Every few weeks, there will be a new study. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays present several Bible Readings and a thoughtful devotion. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays offer a Digging Deeper reading. Three questions are presented with answers for the time it was written and then how it applies to me today.

On the Weekend, a recap is offered with other offerings, such a worship song along the same theme.

Each week also provides a memory verse and a free download for your phone lock screen to encourage you to memorize the verse of the week.

There’s more but I encourage you to go find out for yourself. See you there!

Mandy Farmer

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

9 Comments on “Living in a House of Mirrors”

  1. Dear Mandy,
    Praise God for this new oportunity He has given to you! May the Lord bless your words as you share HIS Word with so many. These were great thoughts today with such blessed truths to cling to.

  2. I have been singing the Jason Gray “I Am New” to myself today. Here is the chorus.

    I am not who I was
    I am being remade
    I am new
    I am chosen and holy
    And I’m dearly loved
    I am new

  3. Funny. I had never heard of Jason Gray until this week. My son sent me a link to Order, Disorder, Reorder. Great song for my present situation. This one sounds perfect as well!

  4. This reminds me of the call to guard our minds, and also to renew our minds. All the best with this new opportunity, and many blessings to you!

  5. I loved this devotional, Mandy! Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations for becoming a contributor to Gracefully Truthful. I know you will bless so many with your words.

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