How to Know the Peace of God

peace of God

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3

I was born on a Wednesday.

The following Sunday, I was in church and nearly every Sunday since then. My family was one who found themselves at church every time the doors were open. We also had family devotions … often. Sometimes this was at breakfast, other times, in the evening before bed. Every summer, we attended Holiness Camp .. even though we had a dairy farm to run, these times were not ignored or skipped. But these things, in themselves, did not save my soul. They were instrumental, but I had to make the decision to follow Christ myself. Each person must trust in Christ. Each one must personally make the decision to follow Him. As it is often said,

“God has no grandchildren.”

You cannot enter heaven on the coattails of your parents.

Trusting in Christ Will Cause You to Know Peace.

I think it was Rev Kelsey at Bethany UMC in Canton, Ohio that would end every sermon with a prayer that said something like “If there is anyone who has not responded to your call to salvation, let him have NO PEACE until he does so.”  I did not appreciate this prayer. I felt it was an attack on me. Until the day I walked the aisle and gave my heart to Jesus.

During my teen years, a bumper sticker came out that said:

By then I had given my life fully to the Lord and I really could appreciate the fact that peace comes from knowing Christ. That prayer by my pastor has stuck with me and it’s a prayer that I use as I pray for my children and my siblings’ children, “That they may know peace”. I pray that God will give them no peace until they surrender their lives fully to him. I pray that the sin in their lives will become so distasteful that they cannot enjoy it. And, instead, it will recall to them the things they learned growing up. And that they will be drawn to the Prince of Peace.

More Thoughts on Peace

I was recently honored to write about the Peace of God for the Gracefully Truthful Community. Click and follow the link below to read more thoughts on the peace of God.



About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

8 Comments on “How to Know the Peace of God”

  1. The bumper sticker is a great summary, “No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, Know peace.”
    ~Lisa, Visiting from Grammy’s Grid Unlimited Link Party #33 (I’m #88)

  2. I have been listening to a sermon series about the armor of God and the shoes that spread the gospel of peace was the topic of last week’s sermon. Thank you for sharing this encouraging message.

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