How to Improve Your Church Attendance Experience

church attendance

“…not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:25

Our world is seemingly becoming less concerned with God and more concerned with self. Society preaches being happy at all costs; putting our happiness above all else. When a weekly commitment that Christians are encouraged in the Bible to keep becomes a challenge to us because we do not feel like it, then it may be the time to remind ourselves that church is not really about us…it’s about God. Allow me to expand.

Of course, we receive amazing benefits from going to meeting Together (attending church),

But sometimes we need that powerful reminder that what tops the “Why Should We Go to Church?” list is the fact that the church/meeting together offers us an opportunity to give to God.

I can’t help but think that God is pleased when we give Him our best worship as we stand alongside our church family. #churchattendance Share on X
free image modified by Mandy

Encountering the Irritating

Yet, in that church family, we will likely encounter people who irritate us from time to time. There comes a time to decide that pleasing God is more important than trying to avoid being offended by someone’s conduct, lifestyle, or personality. (Remember, there are others who put up with us on those occasions when we might be the ones irritating them!)

My Sunday School teacher, whom I happen to be married to, has said, “If you feel that church is missing something, maybe you are supposed to bring it.” In other words, instead of lamenting the lack of energy, excitement, or enthusiasm, perhaps we are being called to prayerfully initiate it. Instead of considering leaving a church because it doesn’t fulfill our needs, perhaps God is prodding us to stay and be a prayerful part of the solution. Instead of wishing people would change, perhaps God is teaching us to prayerfully change our attitude toward them.

If you feel that church is missing something, maybe you are supposed to bring it. #churchattendance Share on X

Think of the possibilities

If our church is a Gospel-preaching, community-reaching, Bible-believing, Holy Spirit-receiving church, but there are some other aspects that we see as negative, just think what our positive, prayerful approach could possibly accomplish!

Lord, help me become excited about the wonderful opportunity of regularly attending church and being part of a church family. Help me to see and be thankful for the blessings I receive when I go to church, but to be even more concerned about the blessing I can be to others in my church family, as I put the focus on You and Your love. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

See you in Church!


About Gwen Thielges

Gwen Thielges resides in North Dakota where she is an author, blogger, and worship leader. Her devotional for athletes, All In For Him, was published in 2017. She and her husband, Darren, are blessed above and beyond with three sons, one daughter, two daughters-in-law, and two grandsons. Her heartfelt desire is to encourage readers to strive toward a deeper faith and a wider witness. Her inspiration comes from the Word of God, strong coffee, and the love of her amazing family.

View all posts by Gwen Thielges

4 Comments on “How to Improve Your Church Attendance Experience”

  1. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of church—as an introvert, I struggle with church. As someone who loves to worship God in nature, I struggle within the walls and traditions of church. But you’ve reminded me that maybe I need to do more ‘bringing’ to church.

  2. I appreciate your comment, Anita! You bring up a genuine struggle that we can have as introverts. But yes, God has given each of us unique gifts and talents that our church will be impacted by when we ‘bring’ them. Thanks for your encouragement. Blessings to you!

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