What is Fibro Fog? Why are you Crashing?

Brain Fog

There’s is nothing more frustrating to me than fibro fog. My mind just won’t think straight and it seems to just come on for no reason at all. I start switching up my homonyms and forgetting the most common words. My friend, Nan Jones wrote a letter about this for me to share with you today.

I met Nan when I was doing a series for those in the ministry. Nan offered to write a guest post about discovering the Presence of God in their darkest hour at that time, but in getting to know here I found we had more in common than ministry. She also suffers from fibromyalgia and other chronic issues. Nan’s words are always so beautiful and I really love it when she writes a prayer. She wrote a wonderful book, The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife. And boy, has she had them. If you have ever been hurt by the church, get your hands on this book.

Presently, on her blog, she is featuring women who have been through the fire and survived. Some very inspiring stories. She even interviewed me! Today, on my blog, she writes about the challenges of brain fog, fatigue, and The Crash. Continue reading and learn more.

curleque by Coffee at pixabay

Dear family and friends,

You know how we’ll be talking and out of the blue I say, “I’m starting to crash” and my speech begins to slow, becoming less fluid, creative, and sometimes even less cohesive? I literally can’t think straight. It’s a time when fatigue overwhelms me and my brain physically feels like mush as fibro fog takes over. 

When Fibro Fog takes over. #fibrofog #fibromyalgia Share on X

Fibro Fog and The Crash

I detest those times.  I feel totally helpless to the onslaught of fibro fatigue and its selfish tentacles that disable me and the work of my hands and heart. I’m embarrassed by the lack of mental clarity. And I feel frustrated that I must stop what I’m doing and sleep—sometimes for fifteen or sixteen hours.

During these times I need for you to love me and remind me that it will pass and I will be able to return to normal activities. I need to be reminded that I am not defined by this disability and that by God’s grace and in His strength, I can do all things He asks of me.

I need you to love me and remind me this will pass. #fibro #painawareness Share on X

Thank You for loving me.

Thank you for believing in me when I can’t believe in myself. This disease heightens my insecurities, especially as a speaker. It causes me to question if I should continue or not. But then God intervenes and affirms me and reminds me when I am weak, He is strong. For that I am grateful.

I am grateful for you too.

Thank you for being my cheerleaders, my prayer warriors, and my reminders of all things good.

Sweet blessings to you,


Thanks, Nan!

The incoherence and crash scare me the most about beginning my own speaking career. You are an encouragement to us just seeing you continue on the journey!

What is Fibro Fog? #fibromyalgia #painawareness Share on X


Don’t miss any of the “letters” we are writing. Check out previous letters and subscribe to this series on the main “Letters to Friends” page.  If you know someone with fibromyalgia (and you probably do), join my Facebook page Fibromyalgia, Is it For Real?

curleque by Coffee at pixabay

You may visit Nan on her website: www.NanJones.com or her facebook ministry page, Seeing Beyond The Veil. For personal communication, you may email Nan at nan@nanjones.com

The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife is available on Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, and LPC Bookstore  {Affiliate links will support Nan Jones’ ministry}

About Nan Jones

Nan Jones is an author/speaker who uses the words of her heart to assist fellow Christians in discovering the Presence of God in their darkest hour. She is a monthly contributor to Inspire a Fire and PW Connections, a blog and forum to encourage pastors’ wives. Her debut book, The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife released June 30, 2015, by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. This memoir was a 2016 Selah finalist. When Nan isn’t writing, she enjoys leading prayer retreats, bible studies or sharing God’s faithfulness as a keynote speaker for special events.

View all posts by Nan Jones

4 Comments on “What is Fibro Fog? Why are you Crashing?”

  1. Dear Nan,
    Thank you for this great description of fibro fog settling in. Oh, I know too well that awful feeling. And you are so right that it is very humbling–but it is one of those places that the strength of Jesus can become so very sweet for us. Thank you for being a cheerleader for us all, to keep trusting God through every moment!

  2. Bettie, You are very welcome. It is such an oddity, and yet so very real — it’s difficult to describe, especially the effects it has on us. I’m thankful for this opportunity to help others understand. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. You are so welcome. I think Mandy had a great idea with this! Fibromyalgia is so complex and so frustrating for the sufferer. I’m glad this was a help to you.

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