At-Risk – Osteoporosis – Now What?

at risk now what

I recently wrote about many of the things that cause bone loss. There are many causes from genes to medications to inactivity. I was surprised when I received the diagnosis. You might be too. So why not go to my first post and take the risk assessment quiz. Then come back and learn how you can work to prevent osteoporosis.

Surprising Diagnosis

Usually, your doctor isn’t going to order a DEXXA bone density scan until you are 65. Since I am on Medicare due to disability, I get all the notes that Medicare people get. A year or so ago, I saw a note asking, “Have you had a bone scan yet?” I ignored it because I was under 60. But this spring, I thought, “Why not ask?” And my rheumatologist jumped right on it to say “Yes, have your PCP order it this summer.”

osteoporosis diagnosis now what
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Reminder:  I am a patient, not a doctor. What I am sharing comes largely from what my doctors taught me and what I have discovered in my own searching.

I am sharing to hopefully help you be informed enough to support friends with this syndrome or possibly acquire informed questions for your doctor. Please talk with your doctor or visit the Mayo Clinic website for official information, diagnosis, and treatment.


I wasn’t expecting the results I received. It shook me to my bones. Because it wasn’t pre-osteoporosis, (Osteopenia) but rather severe osteoporosis with a high risk for fracture. Now I am facing some drastic treatment. But before I can do that, I have some serious dental work to get completed. We’ll get to that later. Just suffice it to say that I am writing now to give you the warning your doctor may not ever give you when he/she prescribes medications or talks with you about nutrition and exercise. Here are some things you need to consider:

Are You Moving Enough To Prevent Osteoporosis?

I get it. You really don’t want to talk about exercise. Maybe you have chronic pain like me. But here’s the thing… When I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and then Rheumatoid Arthritis, my doctor said to take care of the types and amounts of exercise I was getting. Too much exercise causes pain flares. I was barely getting enough exercise as it was and I pretty much just fell off the bandwagon of exercise. I did try to not use wheelchairs and such because I knew that walking was better for me. And I did buy an exercise bike which was used semi-regularly.

The problem with an exercise bike is that it is NOT weight-bearing so it isn’t challenging your bones. Neither is swimming which is my favorite exercise. It’s the one exercise that actually lifts the weight from your body and helps you move those joints. So while it is good for the joints, not so much for your bones.

For me, the only thing that keeps me on track is accountability. A friend of mine, Sara Borgsted, has a business for helping people lose weight. She lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off for several years. She has so many encouraging bits of help from recipes to exercise. She’s a Christian so everything is done from a Christian point of view. Kristen Ekiss leads her exercise program called Faithful Fitness. She is a fitness coach & Therapy Intern Navy Veteran. She teaches the movements with several levels of fitness. I love her programs so much that I became an affiliate. (a great way to pay for the programs you want to take) However, she does offer free programs and challenges to get an idea of what they are like.

Note: If you already have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis, please get professional direction in what type of exercises will be right for you. Your doctor can probably get you set up with a physical therapist who can teach you a few things.

Here’s Another Sarah’s Movement Program

She focuses mainly on those with osteoporosis. She is a yoga instructor and also certified by Buff Bones® to teach weight lifting to women with osteopenia and osteoporosis. I took a masterclass with her that was helpful in remembering about breathing and proper movement.

If you are on Medicare, Try out the Silver Sneakers Program

I also use the Silver Sneakers Program. Typically you can find a gym in your area that offers Silver Sneakers. However, there are also live and on-demand programs available. They have a nifty little app that reminds you to exercise and record your exercise.


Yes, I know. For most of us, it’s hard to stay on a healthy diet. But Gut Health is likely the most important factor for our health. Regardless of where you are in life and regardless of what disease you may be facing, it all goes back to gut health. I highly suggest finding a healthy diet. And do it sooner than later. Here are some healthy recipes created to follow the Weight Watchers plan. By the way, Weight Watchers (WW) has many new plans, if you have checked it out lately, you might want to start there. My friend, Sara, creates here menus with WW in mind.

There are many, many nutritionists out there. A whole foods nutritional plan is what will help your gut. If you need help though, I have a few suggestions for you. I learned a lot through Dr. Livingood’s Master Immunity Class.

I have also been encouraged by Ciely Ti Gray, founder of WakeUp Health, WakeUp Health: Keto San Juan, the Strengthen Them Bones programs, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist. I’m learning a lot just following her pages on Facebook. She also offered a free phone call session which helped me prepare to meet with my endocrinologist.

In Conclusion

I’ll share more that I am learning in the future. But this is a good place to start. No matter what stage you may be in life and health, please begin thinking about your health and where you may end up. Eat right for your gut and get moving to prevent osteoporosis. You won’t regret it in the long run.



The 4 Stages of Osteoporosis | Menopause Now

7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut and 7 Ways to Improve Gut Health (

Your Digestive System: 5 Ways to Support Gut Health | Johns Hopkins Medicine

WakeUp Health: Keto San Juan | Facebook

Dr. Livingood | Immune YOU Masterclass (

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

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