Are You Praying for Our Nation?

An Urgent Call to Pray

It’s not time to pray, but rather a time to act.

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Now there IS a time to act, but I believe that we ought to start with prayer. We cannot face evil without first going to prayer and leaving it in God’s hands. When we go to action without God’s direction, we get what we have now. A mess. Just as the Israelites did many times.

We cannot face evil without first going to prayer and leaving it in God’s hands. Share on X

Elizabeth Boles shared earlier this week the Reason to Pray and so many benefits to prayer. One of them is to pray for our leaders and restore our nation to God so that we can live peaceful lives. 1 Timothy 2:2

As Christians, have we truly fallen before God to pray for our nation? Oh, we say we pray and we might even throw in a sentence prayer or two now and again. But let me ask you, “When was the last time you really spent time in prayer over our nation?”

When was the last time you really spent time in prayer over our nation? Share on X

Are we desperate enough to give up a meal, get down on our knees and cry out to God over the sins of our land? Are we willing to humble ourselves and ask forgiveness? God is calling to prayer. He wants to see that we are desperate for Him to do something. Let’s start with prayer.

call to prayer 1 Chronicles 7:14
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God promises that if we, HIS PEOPLE, will humble ourselves and repent of not only our own sins but also the sins of the nation that He will restore our land. Let’s claim it and do it. Let’s Start with Prayer.

Start with Franklin Graham’s prayer in 2016

Let’s Pray with Dr. Franklin Graham. This prayer was during the conventions in 2016, but his prayer is still valid today. Pray with him now.

A Prayer Resource to Continue in Prayer

A few years back, Anne Graham Lotz set up several Initiatives to Pray. It’s all written out to guide you through serious prayer for ourselves, our churches and our nation. You can find these prayer guides on her website. There are two that I especially like concerning our nation.

  • An Urgent Call to Prayer and
  • A Distress Call to Prayer.
  • Go to Anne’s website and download these prayers. Use them in your daily quiet times. it might change your own heart.

Let’s Send out a Distress Call to God

God would see that we are serious. Commit to praying for our elected officials, confess the sins of our country, and plead for God to help us turn things aroud.

Will you join me?

Mandy Farmer

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About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

8 Comments on “Are You Praying for Our Nation?”

  1. Thanks for this timely reminder, Mandy. I do pray for our nation but not nearly enough. It’s not even a regular thing but should be. Only God can heal our nation and bring blessings. Blessings to you!

  2. Yes. I know I have been negligent of late.. other than a quick “Lord help us” thrown to the wind. I’m going to print out Anne Graham Lotz’s Prayers and start praying them again. Thanks for coming by.

  3. Thanks for the great reminder here, Mandy. We should be praying and encouraging each other all the more, as we see the day approaching. But it seems like its so much easier to complain about the state of the nation instead. These are good words to keep lifting up those who are in authority over us. Blessings to you!

  4. Awesome post. Yes, with all of the abortion going on and pure evil of this world today, we can not do this without prayer. Even us Christians forget how powerful prayer is and that it is a weapon that the world can never fight. We see the spirit of Jezebel and so many spiritual things in this world that can only be defeated by prayer. Thanks for sharing the Franklin, very powerful and right on time.

  5. Thank you. Maybe we have forgotten the verse following the armor of God that says … And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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