The Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile! Have you ever seen it driving its way around America? Well, I have not only seen the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile, BUT I HAVE RIDDEN IN THE OSCAR MAYER WIENER MOBILE. WHAT!? Yes, you read that right. I did ride in the Wiener Mobile and it was my good friend Kristen Christian’s wedding party wheels. Try to contain your jealousy, green is very unbecoming on you.
Photo Credit Michele Bruxvoort
This is how we roll
Imagine if you would… a wedding party of 10, rolling out of the church parking lot in the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile. Complimentary Wiener Whistles were handed out by the Wiener Mobile drivers as we boarded. Huh? Wait a second. Wiener Whistles? No complimentary Oscar Mayer wieners on a bun!? Graciously I took a whistle and joined the chorus, all the while wishing I had a deliciously grilled Oscar Mayer wiener. Maybe kazoos would have been a better choice?
After the driving team gave a brief history of the Wiener Mobile, we were asked to fasten our “meat-belts” and in no time we were “hot dogging” down highway 151. Making our way from the church to the reception. It’s not very often you see a 27-foot hotdog in a bun rolling down the road. It’s not very often you get to be IN the 27-ft hotdog in a bun rolling down the road. It was memorable for sure.
Look out world
I was dying to ask the Wiener Mobile driving team if the windshield wipers squirted ketchup and mustard instead of windshield washer fluid. In light of the loud whistling, I decided I didn’t want to further distract the driving team with my burning question.
We spent most of our time waving at people on the highway getting some pretty interesting looks. Having this 27-ft behemoth roll up beside you on a two-lane highway has to be a bit unnerving. Then add to it a wedding party celebrating the happy couple and you have a recipe for roadway distraction.
Luckily there were no terribly distracted drivers. Just lots of folks smiling and waving back. Little kids with their eyes bugging out of their heads watching this giant hotdog make its way down the road. Just for a good laugh check out:,
Photo Credit Brad Bruxvoort
Home again, Home again jiggity-jig
Our ride time lasted one hour and then we were all dropped off at the wedding reception. Reception-goers were able to get their picture taken alongside the Wiener Mobile and receive a whistle. We heard lots of whistles at the wedding reception. I am sure by the receptions end there were several parents who gave that Weiner Whistle a ride to the garbage, never to return.
We American’s like our food and often we build monuments to them just like the Wiener Mobile. We have the Jolly Green Giant from Blue Earth, Minnesota. The Coffee Pot and Cup Water Tower in Stanton, Iowa. The Spoon Bridge with Cherry in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Minneapolis, Minnesota. There are also museums like the Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota, the Idaho Potatoe Museum in Blackfoot, Idaho. The National Mustard Museum in Middleton, Wisconsin. These are just a few examples of our American immortalization of food.
road trip
Maybe this should be your next fun road trip? Map out all the various museums and monuments to food. Grab your girlfriend, family or spouse and head out for some lighthearted fun. Enjoy some good food along the way as well as great conversation!

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.
Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.