One Last Cup

Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

Here we are, friends, drinking our one last cup of coffee together. Hopefully, these articles have been a fun ride for you, as we learned about the history of coffee, different types of beans, different types of coffee, grind size, and last but certainly not least, the different ways to brew coffee.

Today we will finish up with a few more ways to brew coffee. So, grab a celebratory cup of your favorite coffee and enjoy additional ways to brew coffee.

This, just in

If you have not been paying attention to the news, the Arabica bean from central and South America is in trouble. Beginning with a rare coffea bean rust in 2013 and the continual migration toward the USA of the poor- the working class to harvest the coffea beans. A coffee crisis is at hand. Keep calm my coffee friends. Let’s not panic, and let’s certainly not be grumpy.

More ways to brew

Two weeks ago, I left you with my short review of the Technivorm Moccamaster. Though it was pricey, which was the only thing I did not like about it, I still think the Moccamaster makes great coffee. And as all good Dutch housewives, I make good use of my Moccamaster. In other words, I totally justified my purchase. 🙂

French Press

Image by Daniel Mena from Pixabay

I bought a French press coffee maker five years ago. A French press coffee maker is an immersion coffee. I usually have this type of coffee on the weekends as I celebrate living at a much slower pace and savoring the process by which this coffee is made.

French press coffee makers are inexpensive. Bonus! They are easy to clean and deliver great coffee. Even better! The downside for some? There are a few more steps than an electric drip brew. Of great importance is water temperature. Just see this as keeping yourselves mentally fit and functioning!

You begin your French press adventure by adding hot water (check the temperature, 195 – 205 degrees Fahrenheit) to coffee grounds placed at the bottom of your French press. Let your coffee steep for 4 minutes before plunging (pushing the plunger down slowly, it’s the fun part) and pouring the coffee out. Four minutes is the sweet spot! Ahh! Enjoy savoring this full-bodied coffee.


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

This type of coffee making is an oldie but a goodie. I can still see my grandma’s percolator on the stovetop, with the glass knob showcasing the coffee ‘perking’ inside. Check out this YouTube video to bring back some nostalgia and possibly a new routine in your coffee making, here.

As with the French press coffee maker, the percolation coffee makers take seven to ten minutes to make your coffee and are more labor-intensive setup. In addition to stovetop percolators, they still make electric percolators.

Moka pots are another form of stovetop coffee brewing. This process uses steam pressure from boiled water in the lower section of the Moka pot to pass through coffee grounds residing in the middle chamber. Brewed coffee then sits in the higher chamber.  Electric versions of Moka pots are available as well. I am still on the hunt for a Moka pot. Check out Moka pot reviews here.

Pod brewing

Image by stokpic from Pixabay

We have arrived at the end of our brewing adventure. One of the most popular brands of pod brewing is the Keurig. I gave a Keurig to my parents four Christmases ago. Let’s say I held favorite child status for one whole year. My dad went bonkers over this Keurig.

Keurig’s are very popular. They come in all different shapes and sizes. From single-serve coffee cups to large pot brewing, Keurig has you covered! Check out their great products here. If you have ever been to a Duluth Trading Store, they have a commercial Keurig coffee maker. So fun to try out a cup of coffee at Duluth Trading.

Pod brewing is relatively simple. You fill your water reservoir, turn on your Keurig and the water begins heating. Once your water is heated, make your cup size selection, place your coffee cup on the drip tray, select a coffee pod, place that in the K-cup holder, close and let the brewing begin. This closing action pierces the coffee pod so hot steamy water can be injected into the coffee grounds and poured out the bottom of the pierced coffee pod into your cup below.

The upside to pod brewing is everyone can choose their own kind of coffee. Keurigs also brew tea and have a hot water feature for making tea, and a great bowl of oatmeal. My dad’s beef with the Keurig was the constant descaling maintenance and keeping up with the water filter, which is generally a water quality issue. Other than those two items, he loved the Keurig.

There is more to discover about coffee, but I rest my case here. Summer is upon us, and that means we need some rhubarb and asparagus recipes! Till next time. I hoist a cup of French press coffee and thank you kindly for riding along!

About Michele Bruxvoort

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life.   She enjoys reading, repurposing,  as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life.  When you don't find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure. Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.

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