Journaling is Good for the Soul

Journaling the Scriptures


Ugh! This has always been a challenge for me. What about you?

I recall all my life being told that journaling was a good practice to get into. You may not believe this but I’ve always been a gal of few words. I was the one in my family of 8 growing up to just sit back and listen, not having much to add to the conversation. At school, teachers complained that I did not participate in class. I just didn’t see the need.

Personal diaries

MAndy Farmer journaling with highlighter key
CHeck out @MrsLoTanner ‘s key

I never even had a diary as a young girl. I tried several times, but I would sit down and nothing came to mind. And if it did I didn’t dare write it down where someone might find it and read it. I tried, when my daughter was a baby, to write down the different events and funny stories. And there were a lot. I made a fabric-covered journal and started out with her week-long stay in the hospital with jaundice. That journal has about three pages written in it.

Health Journaling

After being struck with chronic pain, I was again challenged to journal my experience so that I could share about it later. I didn’t do it at the time but about 5 years in, I starting blogging. I basically wrote about my Journey with Chronic Pain.

I really can’t even do a good job of keeping a health journal, which I really need to do with all the things I have going on. And, of course, a food journal would be really helpful. But, again, I last about two weeks and that’s the end of that.

journaling the bible PIn
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Bible Journaling

But finally, I have seemed to find a place where I enjoy journaling and keep at it. That is Bible Journaling. Most of my journaling with Bible study still falls closer to copying scripture but writing out scriptures has made them so much more real for me.

writing out scriptures has made them much more real for me. #journaling #scripture Share on X

My routine when studying and journaling goes somewhat like this:

Journaling the scriptures
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  1. Read the scripture, possibly in two or three different versions. While I read, I pay attention to particular scriptures that are most meaningful to me. There are probably thousands of reading plans to follow. And there are more than I know bloggers that offer there own monthly reading plans. I recommend Arabah Joy’s reading plans which are free just for following her blog.
  2. Write out the meaningful (to me) portion of scripture.
  3. On the second day, go back and re-read the scripture this time with a highlighter. There are several systems you can use which assign colors to themes. Download one of these or create your own. I recently received Lo Tanner’s Bible Study Key for free. She is hosting a NKJV Journal the Word Bible Giveaway all this month (June 2020)
  4. If you love to draw or doodle, be sure to learn about Bible Journaling with art. The above-mentioned journal Bible is created for this. It gives you lots of room in the margins for pictures and doodles; but, then again, you could use the space for notes too! If you are new to this type of journaling, go to The Holy Mess and sign up for a little training and click here for some printables.
  5. If you just want to delve deep into the scripture then download an app with commentaries and do some study. Try out Blue Letter Bible, Biblia, or
  6. Then take your notes. I use the traditional composition notebooks you can buy at Walmart. In July and August, they are usually about 50 cents. Buy yourself, a half a dozen to get you to next summer.

What do you do as you study the Word? Any other advice that might help all of us?

Seeking Him in the Word;

Mandy Farmer

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

4 Comments on “Journaling is Good for the Soul”

  1. Note taking works for me, either in my Bible or in a journal. There’s something about writing something down whether it’s an insight from a commentary or just the words of Scripture that have spoken to me on a particular day.

  2. Mandy, you know I love to journal and have shared about it on my blog. Writing out my thoughts, Scripture, things the Lord is teaching me in His Word and life lessons, and sometimes prayers, this is all therapy for ne. And I love looking back at a former journal and see what was happeing at the time and what spiritual lessons I learned.

  3. oh yes! It’s great looking back to see what God has done! I like to take the weekend and look back on my prayer journal and start praising God for all He has done. He is an amazing God. Journaling reminds us of this. Thanks for coming by.

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