I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
When you have a year like 2020, you can lose perspective on everything. I don’t want to continue living in limbo as we have most of the past year. As I prayed about my new One Word, the Lord seemed to indicate that my word should be “confidence”.
Amazingly, when I shared this with my blog partner, Michele, she said confidence was her ONEWORD as well! We are very excited about sharing our confidence with you this year. We hope you will hang around with us by signing up for the newsletter (see blue bar below) or for notifications (see top of page).
Let’s Get Started With Confidence
To start off on the right foot, let’s take a look at a few scriptures that talk about being confident.
This verse encourages me that even when times are tough, God is here with us. He is going to take care of us. He is a good, good Father! I have found this to be true all my life. God is good and He provides for our needs every day. We can look forward into this new year and even if things get worse, God will never leave us alone. He is in control. Look for the goodness of God this year. His goodness is abundant!
He Will Carry It to Completion
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
God never abandons us. When He calls us to Himself, it is forever. What God calls us to, He provides whatever is needed for us to accomplish it. His Holy Spirit will guide and direct us until the day He calls us Home.
We Are Encouraged by Paul
And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.
PHilippians 1:14
We can look at the life of Paul and all His struggles and see that God never abandoned him. He always took care of Paul. This gives us confidence that we also can dare to share the Gospel. It’s an important challenge – to share the Gospel. Time is short and we must tell others about Christ so that they too can have eternal life.
We Will Not Be Ashamed
And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.
1 John 2:28
I do believe that the Lord’s return is very close. We must continue to grow deeper in the Lord and share the faith. This is how we will be confident to stand before Him on judgment day.
We encourage you to find a reading plan and begin to not only read but study God’s Word. Find a good Bible App. There are so many benefits to meditating on the word. Memorize His promises so that you will remain confident in Christ.
We have taken these scriptures and created some lovely bookmarks for your journey this year. Be sure sign up for the newsletter to receive your free bookmarks.
Confident in Him;
Mandy and Michele
P.S. Sign up for our newsletter and receive printable color scripture bookmarks!
Your Turn!
We would love to hear about your ONEWORD or resolutions for 2021.
If you didn’t write a post just leave a comment below.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 10 says Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
That is why my we, Mandy and Michele, have decided to join together to hold each other up and at the same time, we hope that you are lifted up as well. We will share about chronic pain issues and raising children with ADHD, Things we’ve learned about leaving a legacy, and then some fun and laughter along the way as well.
We will be sharing about how God helps us through the worst of trials and the best of days. We hope that you will sign up for our newsletter.
I’ve leaned on Phil. 1:6 a lot, especially in regard to my children. But I never realized how often “confidence” or “confident” appeared in the Bible. It shouldn’t surprise me–we have every reason to be confident in God. But it’s neat to see the different ways it works out in these verses.
Mandy, powerful word, scripture and post. Psalm 27:13 has always been one of my favorite verses. Love how well you unpacked this message.
Thank you Karen for coming by and encouraging me. I’ve always struggled with being confident. It’s been better over the year but it is a constant fight.
Confidence does pop up quite a bit through the scriptures. God wants us to be confident in him. Maybe that’s why He tends to use the weak to fulfill His purposes… to get us to depend on Him. Thanks for dropping by
I love that strong word! Ironically, my One Word may seem quite the opposite, Uncertainty, but actually I’m looking for confidence even in the midst of uncertainty. Thanks for sharing!
I think you and I are on the same page. I believe this coming year is going to one a great uncertainty. It won’t stop on inauguration day. I am confident of that!
Beautiful word, Mandy! May we learn more about placing our confidence where it belongs–in HIM. Thank you for sharing this encouragement. Blessings to you this New Year.