New Year 2021 is here. There are many folks eagerly burning their 2020 calendar, as well as their COVID masks. I always find it satisfying to sit on New Year’s Eve and write down my resolutions for the coming year. What are some of your 2021 resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions
Where in the world did New Year’s resolutions come from anyway? Well, thanks to good ole Wikipedia, I didn’t have to search very far. According to Wikipedia the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions is mostly us Westerners, but Europeans do some resolutions as well.
Of interest, Wikipedia also mentioned that:
- Babylonians promised their god(s) to return items they borrowed, as well as pay their debts.
- Romans made a promise to their god Janus (January is named after this god)
- Knights would take the “peacock vow“- reaffirming their commitment to chivalry
- Christians and Jews parallel each other in New Year’s resolutions as a time to reflect upon the past year’s wrongdoings by seeking forgiveness as well as giving forgiveness.
Most folks do make New Year’s resolutions. Cathrine Cho wrote the article “New Year’s resolution statistics“. In this article, she mentions a recent survey in which “of all the generations, the “Gen Z” has the highest percentage of 91.85 % participating, as opposed to the “Silent Generation” at 46.86% participation.” Personally, I’d be interested to find out what percentage of these “Gen Z” folks have successfully completed their resolution(s).
Top 10
I bet you can guess (just like Brad did) what the top New Year resolution is! Ready? DRUM ROLL… Lose weight! Let’s take a look at the top ten resolutions (in no certain order):
- Quit smoking
- Read more
- Learn something new
- Lose weight
- Get more organized
- Curb spending/ save money
- Exercise
- Spend more time with friends and family (if COVID hasn’t done that for you)
- Travel more
- Be more adventurous
Easier said than done
It is easy to write down your resolutions, but much harder to follow through with them. Much of your success is going to be determined by how motivated you are. The Journal of Psychology published a study done on resolutions and found:
Resolvers reported higher rates of success than non-resolvers; at six months, 46% of the resolvers were continuously successful compared to 4% of the non-resolvers. Self-efficacy, skills to change, and readiness to change assessed before January 1 all predicted positive outcomes for resolvers.
-J Clin Psychol. 2002 Apr;58(4):397-405. doi: 10.1002/jclp.1151
John C Norcross 1, Marci S Mrykalo, Matthew D Blagys
Our takeaway here? We must RESOLVE to follow through with our resolutions. This leads us to ask the question “How can I be successful at following through with my resolutions?”
Successful resolutions
We can be successful in setting realistic goals for our resolutions. A great mnemonic to use is SMART:
- S – Specific
- M- Measurable
- A- Attainable
- R- Realistic
- T- Time-Bound
A positive attitude and positive self-talk help in following through with your resolutions; making the work of achieving them enjoyable. Ask a friend to help give encouragement and be an accountability partner. Lastly, be flexible. Sometimes life hits some unexpected bumps. You may have to hold off on a certain resolution and restart it at a later date. This is not to be seen as a failure.
Friends, the time has come. Don’t go into 2021 without making Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. There is no person on this earth that is perfect; without sin. We were ALL born sinners in need of a savior. God sent us his only son Jesus Christ.
Jesus paid the price for our sins by dying for you and me on the cross. His death completely removed any sin from your life, giving you eternal life. You have done nothing to earn it, it’s a gift of grace. You can have the peace of knowing you’re saved by asking Jesus into your life and ask for forgiveness. Simply bow your head and pray this prayer:
The Sinner’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.
Dr. Ray Pritchard
God knows the sincerity of your heart and hears you. Be assured, that by asking him TO FORGIVE YOU (the most important part, we need forgiveness) for your sins, he has heard you and has forgiven you. Find a local pastor or get in touch with a friend who is walking out a Christian life, and they will help you get connected with a church and walk with you on your new journey as a Christian.
Some great resources on the internet are:
- Charles Stanley
- Our Daily Bread
As always friends, here is to good food, good friends, and a great life awaiting us in eternity. Jesus is coming soon!
It’s Your Turn
We would like to hear about your resolutions and/or your OneWord for 2021. Please linkup with us at Legacy Link-up. And please read/share/comment on at least two other posts. Thank you. If you didn’t write about it, leave a comment.

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.
Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.
Resolve with our resolutions. Like it.
I used to make resolutions but never seemed to experience victory with them. For the past five years, God has given me a word that goes with where I am at in my growth, and coming into agreement with Him and participating with Him in my race of faith has helped immensely for me to move forward with Him. Thank you for this beautiful post sweet sister … happy new years!
I find rather then resolutions & goals, aims for the year work best for me with having chronic health conditions. That way I accomplish some & don’t get frustrated by not doing all!
I’m having Inlinkz issues so I’ll join in here.
My word for this year can be found in my post ‘Who has the Power?’
You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa Michele at Tea With Jennifer,
New year’s blessings to you,