numbering our Days - Combating anxiety

Combating Anxiety in the Power of Small Intentional Moments

Come along on this 7-week journey of intentionally focusing on areas in our life where we can draw closer to Jesus. Set to be read in the weeks leading up to Easter, it will prepare your heart for Resurrection Sunday and a life of intention that goes beyond the holiday.

Combating Anxiety in the Power of Small Intentional Moments Read More
Different EASTER

In the Dark ~ A Different Kind of Easter

It was a different Easter. This time, we found ourselves on the other side of the picture. No longer in ministry, we were now sitting in the pews taking in a completely different view of the celebration. We were not involved in the planning and therefore; though we had read our Lenten Devotions, the excitement was much different.

In the Dark ~ A Different Kind of Easter Read More