Guidelines for Guest Post about Chronic Pain

Chronically Confident

Yes, we accept guest posts

#fibro Letters to friends about #livingwithfibro

This is a faith-based blog site that covers a lot of different topics. One corner of this is a section sharing about Mandy’s journey with fibromyalgia. I now have two different ongoing series other Fibro Warriors can participate in.

Uplifting Interviews to Encourage

As a pain warrior, it’s easy to lose confidence in ourselves, our outlook on life, our service to others, and our relationship with God and others.

I am offering a series of interviews with chronic pain warriors. I would like us to all share and encourage one another so that we can “all patiently endure as we suffer.” (2 Corinthians 1:6) And then, though “we were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it.”

My verse is Psalm 27:13, “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.” I’m going to start looking for all the goodness of God so that He will make me confident in Him.

How about you? How do you see/feel the goodness of God even in the midst of your pain? Two options here:

  1. Do an interview sharing about your Chronic Life. I’ll send you a link with questions to answer.
  2. Select a verse that encourages you in this moment of your life and write a verse study of that verse.
  3. Contact me at mandy@mandyandmichele with GUEST POST in the subject and we will get started.

All About Chronic Pain

These posts are written in letter form discussing different aspects of dealing with the disease.

Write a letter (300-500 words) specifically to friends and family to help them understand what you are going through or about “what to expect during a specific procedure you have endured.” Read some of “letters” here.

Each post answers one specific question a friend might ask. If this sounds like something you would like to do, contact us through the contact form below. Indicate the topic you prefer to write about.

For 2023 I’m looking for guest posts with the following themes. You may choose the month you would like to contribute.

January – Osteoporosis Treatments/EMG study- Mandy Farmer

February – Chronic Pain & Your Diet Series – Dayna Alt

March – Chronic Pain and Opioids – Debra Lyons

April – Rheumatoid Arthritis and Your Eyes – Bettie Gilbert

Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain/RA & …

  • Setting Goals
  • Your Faith
  • Church attendance
  • Accompanying illnesses
  • Your Marriage/ Intimacy?
  • Finding a healthcare provider
  • Managing Your Stress
  • Balancing Your Time / Activities
  • Grieving Losses (your health, your work, finances)
  • Sustaining relationships
  • Getting the most out of a doctor’s appointment
  • Sleep Issues
  • Exercise / Staying Active
  • Self-care
  • medications
  • Supplements
  • nerve blocks
  • Other therapies
  • Waiting for a Diagnosis
  • Working / Disability

Other ideas

Specific Guidelines

  1. Write your submission as a letter to a friend/family answering the chosen question.
  2. This is a faith-based blog. Please, no cuss words or derogatory speech.
  3.  Word Count at least 300-500 words, but up to 1000. Since fibro warriors usually have issues with brain fog and stamina. I don’t expect letters to be lengthy; however, longer is acceptable.
  4.  Your submission must be original; meaning it hasn’t been published anywhere else. Possibly, you wrote about this topic but can write a letter that shares some of the information. I do not mind if you include one link back referring to your own blog post. 
  5.  I welcome “personal images only” that you would like to use. Any other images must include a credit source.
  6.  I will include any social media links that you have, plus your blog URL.
  7.  Submissions will be due at least two weeks before the agreed-upon publishing date in Word, Google Docs, or submitted below.
  8. We will add you as a contributor to my WordPress blog so that you will get notified about comments. I would love for you to reply to the comments.
  9. Send your submission to or in the form below. Be sure to put GUEST POST [topic} in the subject line.

Other Notes

Please include in your submission a personal photo, a short bio, your own blog URL, and any social media you would like to include such as Twitter or Facebook


We also reserve the right to decline to publish any submission that does suit our purposes.

Your submission gives us permission to edit for length, grammatical errors, and other things we feel necessary.

Finally, for SEO purposes, all published submissions become the property of Mandy and Michele. Guest posts MUST NOT be republished on your blog unless dramatically changed.

Contact us or Submissions


Thank you for considering a guest post. We will be in touch soon.

Mandy & Michele
image created by jfredrickdesign