Looking Back Can Direct You Forward

te for five minutes. Today's prompt is BACK

Lysa Terkhurst’s book, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way reminds me that our trials are not just troubles along the way. God intends for us to learn and grow from those tough times.

Looking Back

I thought about the recent struggles our family has been going through the past 5 years. I would rather push the memories away and try to forget but Lysa has been reminding me that “we are comforted to comfort others“. God wants us to use those times and how God got us through to help others get through the same kinds of things.

We often look around and think we are the only ones struggling, but indeed most of us are struggling. If we look back and direct our learning to others, we can be a source of compassion and encouragement. That’s what it’s all about … learning, growing, coming alongside others to help them through similar situations.

Acting Forward

I encourage you to look behind to get direction about your future. Dig deep into your sorrows and trials and find the gold nuggets that God wants you to share with others. I’m going to try to start doing that.

stop~ Five minutes up.

When life ripped away our livelihood, our home, our jobs, our identity. Satan tried to rip away my esteem. He tried to dredge up old feelings long gone. But God, through the Holy Spirit, reminded me whose I am.

Let me share a few nuggets from Chapter 5 of Lysa’s book

1. God wants us transformed, but Satan wants us paralyzed

2. God doesn’t expect perfection, so we sholdn’t expect it from ourselves and others.

3. We must get to a place of self-compassion if we hope to ever have true, deep compassion for others.

4. People need to know God’s compassion is alve and well and winning the epic battle of good versus evil. {and we are the ones to show it}

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa Terkhurst

In closing, here’s a prayer Lysawith which closed the chapter. Pray it with me.


I don’t want to let disppointment and heartbreak cause me to approach this life more cautious than creative. more critical than compassionate. More cynical than surrendered. Thank you for the ways you tenderly meet me in my brokenness and my pain. Ant thank you fo reminding me that I still have light and beauty to spread over this world. Today, I am choosing to grab the brush. No attempts at perfection. No apologizing or strategizing. Just me. Lighting this world with me color. Showing up with Your compassion and grace.

in Jesus’ name, amen

Mandy Farmer

This post was prompted by the gang at Five Minute Friday Each Friday we take five minutes to write on the same prompt. It’s a lot of fun to see what others are inspired to write from the same prompt. Give it a try or click and do a bit of fun reading.

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About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

8 Comments on “Looking Back Can Direct You Forward”

  1. I agree with you in recognizing the value in looking back, not being stuck in the past but learning from it.
    Thanks for sharing. I’m visiting from #36.

  2. It has been excellent. I can’t believe she wrote this while she was going through all her trials. She is so brave and open but that’s what makes it all relatable. Thanks for stopping by

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